
Le Havre

Le Havre has my heart. Or should I rather say, someone there stole it totally. Little Zadig is just amazing. Thank you for your hospitality and your wonderful company. 

Merci Le Havre, mon coeur est avec toi. Ou devrais-je dire quelqu'un la-bas me l'a volé. Petit Zadig est incroyable. Merci beaucoup pour votre hospitalité et votre compagnie. 

2 kommenttia:

  1. Today Zadig told us that you missed him so much!!!!!
    And I have a question: Firstable, Great bought!!! And did you watch under the second chair or not? And How were the sellers?
    I hope we will see you soon!!!!!!

  2. Petit Zadig!
    I checked only quickly the other chair, so I can't really say anything except that it was anyway in the good condition and about the same age as the one I bought. If one thinks about the prices of the chairs in general, it is bargain.

    The best thing is that the sellers knew the whole story of the chair I bought and that's priceless infomation. They seem to be very friendly and nice people. Next time have to visit also their shop. I hope to see you soon. Bisous!
