
I lost my extended memory

Shanghai was great, but my camera was robbed and I won't have any pictures from there. It's a horrible feeling, when you realize that you bag is open and the camera is gone. Luckily it wasn't my wallet. 

Today I went also to The Great Wall and I can feel it on my butt and legs. Tomorrow it will be already time to go back to Finland for me. The pictures will follow later (I had a second camera with me and I was also saving pictures all the time, luckily). 


Shanghai girl

I'm off to Shanghai now. Have a great weekend. Kisses! The pictures above are from the lovely 798 art district in Beijing. 


Last kiss from Hong Kong

It's my last evening in Hong Kong today and tomorrow I will return to Beijing. I went to see a small island next to Hong Kong island called Lamma. It was more than exactly what I needed. Picture update comes later. Kisses to you.


Comforting city

The First Shot of Hong Kong

Believe it or not, but this picture is from Hong Kong. This city is lovely, easy to fall in love and warm. It's not super hot or anything. It's like a normal Finnish summer: +24, though the humidity is very high. It's good to be here.

It's my birthday today and for the first time in my life I am going to spend it all alone. Sniff.

Lama Temple / Yonghe Temple

Yonghe Tample = Lama Temple is so far the most beautiful place I've visited in China. It's amazingly quiet, calm and peaceful. 

Lama Temple is the largest lamasery (Tibet's buddhists) in Beijing (maybe even in the whole China?). There are five different halls or pavilions, which are getting bigger and bigger the one after another. Last pavilion is called The Pavilion of infinite happiness and there is a huge statue of Maitreya. It's 26 meters tall.


Forbidden city

A little bit of Beijing

Beijing, China. 

We are getting along, but we are not going to be best buddies. It has been a hard trip for me so far. It has been the hardest trip of my life (don't worry, I'm just OK and in Hong Kong at the moment I write this).

Beijing itself is huge, cold and not so easy to access as I hoped. It is so huge that you might walk for a long time without seeing really anyone. Can you imagine that to happen in China? Nope. This is a good season to travel to China, because there is not that many tourists (or any other people).

In Beijing it's totally fine to stare at the people. As I've been the only western around, I've been so much stared. Luckily it happens to be my favourite hobby as well, so I stare them back.

There are not that many people, who can speak English. That's pretty hazardous especially in the restaurants, when me as a vegetarian, try to make sure that there is absolutely not any meat in that food. Guess how many times I've got food with the meat.

Generally Chinese are very friendly, they try to help or at least smile back.

In my favourite place, metro, no one is reading a book, but everyone has a smart phone, which they are touching. Oh, and I had a interesting coincidence in the public toilet at the mall: I needed to go to toilet and I was checking, if there was any unoccupied. There was a one with the door open, but what I saw: a young Chinese girl doing her dump on the hole (reikävessa) and touching her smart phone at the same time. Now I understand the research about the amount of bacterium in the phones..

It's a Valentine's Day and I'm alone in Hong Kong. I feel a bit shit about that, because here it's very big thing. I think I will pack myself inside my hotel room as early as I can, watch the news and eat candies. 

People, love each others. It's the most important task in our lives.


Lovely Hong Kong

Hong Kong is lovely. It is enough Chinese to be excotic, but in the lovely way it is also western. I like it here. 

I arrived today and will leave after a week. I feel to be free, because I can use Facebook and blogger as I want. I will add some pictures, when I collect some energy from somewhere.




Jos pekingiläiset yleiset vessat olisivat yhtä puhtaat kuin Tiananmen - Taivaallisen rauhan aukion asfaltti/ kiveys, olisi täällä aika erilainen meininki. Hämmästyttävää, sanon minä. 


How exciting

This is it. 

Näin olen jättänyt asunnon (hetkellisesti) remppamiesten "hellään huomaan". Hermoilen jo nyt eteisen ja keittiön lattian kunnosta rempan jälkeen: tyypit aloittivat asunnossa lampsimisen lumisilla kengillään ennen kuin olivat lattioita suojanneet. Kiristelin hampaita, mutta pidin naamani. Pakkohan heillekin on antaa työrauha (ja mulla on kuvat jokikisestä sentistä tuolla asunnossa, joten raastuvassa nähdään). En tiedä, mitä odottaa, kun palaamme takaisin sinne. 

Tulin tappamaan aikaa keskustaan, koska kotona ei vaan voi enää olla. Vähän kahvia, kohta kaverin kanssa lounasta ja sitten viimeinen silmäys kotiin ja lentokentälle. Kiina odottaa, mutta minä en tiedä, mitä odottaa Kiinalta. Olen melkoisen skeptinen ja ennakkoluuloinen tuota maata kohtaan, joten katsotaan, miten minun käy. Voittaako Kiina minut puolelleen ja osoittautuvatko ennakkoasenteeni vääriksi. Se jää nähtäväksi. Lupaan ainakin yrittää, mutta niitä ihmisoikeusloukkauksia en voi hyväksyä. Missään tilanteessa. 

Katsotaan pääsenkö päivittämään blogia reissun aikana, pieniä vippaskonsteja käyttämällä, sen pitäisi onnistua. Toivotan teille hyvää helmikuuta, itselleni ehjää kotia, hyvin sujuvaa remonttia ja erityisesti oikein kivaa seikkailua Kiinassa. 

Be tuned. 


If you haven't decided..

Don't we all want to have a peaceful country and the world to live in? Let's turn this page together.

Good Morning

Can you see anything from the picture? We're packing... 


Beautiful Sami language

This music video is from a Finnish TV-series called Märät säpikkäät - Njuoska bittut. These two super women are talented Finnish-Sami girls, who make Sami people modern and visible in Finland at the moment. 

They are amazing chicks and this video is a beautiful one! The song is originally PMMP's Rusketusraidat, but Suvi and Kirste made new lyrics for it. 

It's snowing in Helsinki