
New York, it took my heart

I could walk eternity on the streets of New York. It's a wonderful city, it's a kind of like a huge living creature, which is changing all the time. You find something new to see all the time. Central Park, I think I haven't ever been any more beautiful nor charming park. Coney Island and its Russians were good change for the skyscrapers. I think we ate also the one of the best food in there: some old Russian granny's home made pies from the street vendor. Our "own" area, East Village, was also perfect with all the cafes, restaurant and second hand stores. It was close to everything and very picturesque.

In total we were in New York nine days, but I could have stayed there for good. Honestly, I think it's one of the cities in the world, where I could imagine to live. We ate well, walked so much and totally relaxed. My travel company could not have been any better.

More pictures and feelings coming tomorrow.


Back from NYC

Do I need to say that it was amazing trip. I fell in love with the city right away. Tomorrow more pictures coming, now I just need to get rid off this jet lag. 


Vote for Tubbs (and Obama)

Bloggpriset 2012 lähestyy ja Årets Finska blogg -palkintoa tavoittelee tänä vuonna iki-ihana (pelottava) Tubbs! Nyt pistetään jokikisen äänet menemään Tubbsille, koska muuten tämä maailma olisi niin kovin ennalta-arvattavissa. 

Käy jättämässä äänesi (ja yhteystietosi) täällä

Go and vote for Tubbs here! Now!


All Hallows' Evening

 Our friends' had a costume party last night. It was great!