Today's list
Today I'm going to pay a visit to 1)Clas Ohlson and 2)buy a drill and a saw among other stuff (it's amazing store with the things you never thought you need). I'm tired to sleep next to the vacuum cleaner. Maybe even 3)some frames are going to be put on the wall, finally after almost two years of living here!
I'm going to 4)visit a market hall, 5)buy some fresh bread for tonight and in the evening, it's a lasagna time! It's so long time since 6)I've made it, but the 7)special quests deserves special dinner.
I'm so innocent
My new favourite drink. If it was a bit cheaper, I could have it everyday. Innocent smoothies are tasty and I also want to believe that they are healthy.
Today we've been so effective, because there were lots of things going on just behind the corner. There were a big flea market in the biggest courtyard of Nordic Countries. I found come nice mugs and J found a small electric piano.
Today was also Restaurant Day and even though the weather has been a bit shitty, it didn't stop us (or other people) to go around. We went to Hermanni and had amazing Vietnamese street food. I wish that kind of places would exist everyday at this neighbourhood, not only at Restaurant Day. For the desert we cycled to Kallio for a cake and coffee and some fruit drinks.
Now it's time to watch some movies and just enjoy the rest of the day.
flea market,
I found new corners at my hometown
Touristic part of Helsinki can be sometimes, well how could I say it, a bit boring. Yesterday there was the opening ceremony and a block party for Torikorttelit, which is in the heart of touristic Helsinki. I was happy to see that finally those closed courtyards will be opened for everyone.
New restaurants, workrooms, small shops - it's great! By opening those courtyards for public (earlier they were private for city hall's) all of us can see interesting architecture.
Memory Lane
I got these two pictures from my cousin this week. There is me when I was 1,5 years old. My uncle has taken these two shots, and me a shot of his shots.
The sunny weekend came just in time
There is a super busy and heavy week behind, but I made it. Though I wanted to watch a film last night, I could remember only the first 15 minutes, after that I've been watching my own films in my dreams. I think I slept about 12 hours..
I have a feeling that this weekend might be the one of the last summery weekends, so let's spend it outside. As much as possible (well, I H A V E to wash the windows, they are so shitty).
Flow Festival 2012
And then there was Björk (I am still thrilled about the fact that she is amazing). Audience was kindly asked to not take any pictures during her gig, but there is this video. Such the ending for her show:
Emotional storm
Tunnemyllerys sisälläni. Sanoja ei tule. Pakahdun. Käsittämättömän upea show. Vanhaa ja uutta.
Takk fyrir.
I saw/ heard one song of Huoratron before Black Keys yesterday at Flow. It was something I could get to know better later on. Heavy and dark. I know my sis loves this, so the picture is for you. Tonight one of my dream is coming true: I will finally see Björk. My heart is beating already..
Our small town library didn't have amazing music collections at the 90's, but the did have Björk's Post. Oh, those times.
Denying this doesn't make anyone happy
Miksi minä sitä itseltäni kieltäisin. Venkoilisin ja yrittäisin todistella muuta. Ei tämä tästä enää muuksi muutu. Paska nakki, mikä paska nakki. Pakko se on myöntää, että ohi on. Ei tästä enää mitään kesää tule, syksy on jo täällä.
Hyvin voin pakata kesämekot käyttämättöminä takaisin ullakolle odottamaan parempaa ensi kesää tai kenties alkutalven matkaa sinne jonnekin, missä aurinko paistaa aina. Höh, sanon minä.
It's a Flow time
It's a time, when Flow starts again. Tonight, tomorrow and on Sunday I'll be there. Let's hope it won't rain. Unlike some other people, I haven't been planning my outfit for weeks before hand..
Yesterday we were celebrating my brother's and his two friends' graduations as master of science of engineering. It was a big party with their 60 closest friends on our island. Guys (and mothers) had seen so much effort to make this event perfect. Evening was filled with food, speeches, singing, drinking, sauna and happy people. We even had the toasts on the ferry in the middle of the lake.
The guys made themselves a tent sauna and it was hot all night long after the dinner - it was a success. Today in the morning here and there woke up plenty of tired but happy people. Maybe there should be more often parties like this!
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