
Abstract way to see life

Kävin eilen katsomassa Elias Koskimiehen leffan Likainen Pommi. Elokuvalla oli hetkensä, mutta kovin montaa tähteä ei taida minulta irrota. 

Erittäin virkistävää, että tällainen elokuva on tehty ja että sitä pyöritetään Tennarissa isoimmassa salissa (tosin se sali oli tyhjä). Elokuvassa oli paljon mihin samaistua: musiikki- ja tv-business eivät taida kovinkaan erota toisistaan. Kuitenkin koko leffan ajan odotin, koska Mirccu lopettaa sen saatana kuiskailun, voisiko se PD jäädä vaikka sen Cheerion alle. Ihanan absurdi kokemus koko leffa, suosittelen. Älä mene sinne pipokireällä, äläkä odota liikaa. 


I'm good

I'm good, you are good and I want to be good to you. 
This project makes good.



Annual calf fetch was happening this weekend. This year there were only four small calves on the neighbour island. Riki is getting better now after an angry dog's attack. He just loves to stand there in the  front of the ferry and see, where we are going. 


Pouring rain, all the way down

It's raining pitchforks and it is getting darker. Here more north almost all the leaves are yellow, orange or even brown. It is really autumn. It's cold, it's nice. I might have a bit fever. Later on I will go to sauna, knit a bit more the socks, but now there's one hairy Finnish Spitz, who wants some attention. 


Probably a good book

Hans Välimäen Ruokaa Ranskasta vaikuttaa hyvältä peruskeittokirjalta, jos haluaa tutustua ranskalaiseen  keittiöön. Pitäisi todennäköisesti hankkia tämä ja testata reseptejä!


Don't even look at me, it hurts

I had a boxing training yesterday (we had a hen party for my friend) and now it hurts. Pictures are following tomorrow.


What could be more irritating?

Istuin eilisen päivän leffassa: Essential Killing, This is not a film ja Backyard. Kaikki katsomisen arvoisia (vaikkakin vähän torkuin tuon keskimmäisen aikana). Leffateatterikäyttäytyminen tai ylipäätään käytöstavat tuntuvat olevan mysteeri joillekin vai mitä olette mieltä tästä:
1) mölise ja supattele leffan aikana kavereillesi
2) potki selkänojaa vähän väliä niin, että koko rivi hytkyy (äläkä missään nimessä lopeta toimintaa, vaikka pyydettäisiin)
3) lähde pois teatterista juuri, kun lopputekstit ilmestyvät valkokankaalle ja pieraise märkäpieru lähtiessäsi. 



How is it possible that from such a small island there come so much good music?

I love Iceland (I've lived there), their nature and their music. I just saw a documentary Backyard and somehow I realized how they do it. 


First woolen socks for the autumn

Last spring, when it was time to wash the woolen socks, I accidentally put my favourite socks in the washing machine. You may guess what happened: I got out a pair of felt slippers in a size of too small. I ended up to give those used-to-be-lovely socks to my goddaughter and now it's time to knit a new pair. 

My workmate Anu gave me some wool and during the shooting session I've been knitting my new favourite pair of woolen socks.



I love you Aki Kaurismäki

Berlin could be a lovely place to live


Ich heart Berlin

The short trip to Berlin was great. I just love that bizarre city and group fit very well there. On the way back there was a horrible thunder and our 1 hour 50 minutes flight was 1 hour 30 minutes delayed. You can imagine how shaky the flight was and the plane just jumped here and there on the sky. I didn't like that at all. There are pictures coming later.


My favourite view

This is my favourite view in Helsinki. I've taken this shot couple of days ago from Ateljee Bar. At the night time this view is amazing. You can almost think that you're somewhere like in Paris. 

My favourite porridge

This porridge is ruismanna, rye semolina porridge. It's good, very good and organic (with cinnamon and sugar). 


Tired person can't hear (nor remember) everything

He's saying that "he told me". I'm sure he didn't. Or he thinks that he told me, but just forgot to tell me. It doesn't really matter, because it seems that he's going again to China for two weeks in the end of September. Which means that he will leave a week after Friday. And probably also again in October. Me not happy. We were planning our end of summer holiday, but I'm not sure how it's going to work out now. Maybe I'll take some trip on my own somewhere? 

Yesterday we finished the shootings and I'm just so exhausted. I don't know how I get myself back on the tracks. Luckily the trip to Berlin is soon here. 


Berlin Fastforward

I'll be going to Berlin next weekend. Half work, half pleasure. Now all the hints, what I should do there are welcome. The weekend is very short so there isn't much time, but maybe I can forget about the sleeping?  

I read that there is Berlin Music Week then, maybe some interesting music? A wonderful brunch of course, Maupark on Sunday morning, a bit some shopping (if only I found my favourite stores) and frozen yogurth.


Just perfect music for this moment

I just adore this song and James Blake. I already loved the original version of this one, but James Blake has take this to another level. The music video is just brilliant. I force you to love this as well.

Lucky me: A weekend

Eipä olisi voinut viikonloppu tulla parempaan aikaan. Väsymys ja yksinkertaisesti täyteläinen tyhjyys pääkopassa eivät olisi antaneet tehdä enää päivääkään töitä. Melkoisia käänteitä ja suoranaisia painivoittoja on tämä viikko pitänyt sisällään. Onneksi tuon hiukan haastavan alun jälkeen on hommat sujuneet jouhevammin, mutta olo on silti kuin tyhjäksi imetyllä Trip-mehutötsällä. Nyt otan kylvyn lehden kanssa ja vähän juustoa ja viiniä. Sen jälkeen taitaakin olla suuntana unten maat.

It could not have come any sooner (or later): the weekend. This week has been so hectic with my work and there have been lots of (not so) interesting turnups, but we did survive. Now I'm going to take a long bath with a magazine, a glass of wine with cheese and go to bed.